Full Circle Meeting Notes: 11/2/2022

The Full Circle met on Wednesday November 2, 2022 at 3pm. Here are the notes from that meeting.

There were check-Ins from all the attendees.

Canon Robinson led the Circle through the agenda

  1. Convention took place on October 21-22 at SeaTac Hilton and online
    • BIPOC Presence
      • Rev. Robinson presented one workshop and was part of the Budget and Finance Committee workshop on Friday.
      • Convention Session 1 – Programmatic focus on convention theme led by Rev. Rachel and Adrienne Elliott
      • Worship: Strong representation at Friday worship, Saturday worship and Eucharist
      • Ordination: Sheryl Hasse the first Native American ordained a vocational deacon in the diocese
    • Convention Actions
      • Elections
        • Diocesan Council: Rev. Baudelina Paz, Rev. Malcolm McLaurin and Rev. Jesus Reyes will join Sharalyne King on Diocesan Council
        • Deputies to Convention: Rev. Rachel, Rev. Malcolm, Rev. Ruth Ann (alt), Sharalyne King, Lillian Springer (alt).
      • Resolutions
        • Our resolution to increase the BIPO Ministry Fund from 2% to 5% of the diocesan operating budget was referred to Diocesan Council/Budget and Finance
      • Racial Justice Audit Task Force made three asks of congregations:
        • To read the Executive Summary of the Racial Justice Audit
        • To discuss, consider, and answer 5 questions the task force has developed, using whatever forum works best for each congregation (e.g., Lenten or Advent studies, adult forums, various discussion groups, Sacred Ground circles, etc.).
        • To submit their responses to the Office of the Canon for Multicultural Ministries and Community Transformation by the end of June 2023. Please include the name of your congregation, how many people responded and how you gathered your information.
  2. Program Coordinator position
    • Applications are no longer being received.
  3. Circles of Color Retreat
    • The retreat is being rescheduled to next year, post Easter
    • Theme will remain rest, restoration, and healing
    • The location will remain at Sleeping Lady Resort
    • Rev. Robinson will regather the retreat planning team after the holidays
  4. Canon’s activities since last Full Circle Meeting on 10/5
    a. Climate Justice Planning Meeting (10/7)
    b. Visit to St Paul and Resurreccion, Mt Vernon (10/9)
    c. Full convention walk-thru (10/12)
    d. Meeting with Bishop Skelton (10/13)
    e. Visit to St Mary’s, Lakewood (10/16)
    f. Pre-convention budget hearing (10/17)
    g. Full convention walk-thru final (10/18)
    h. Office of the Bishop All Staff Meeting (10/18)
    i. Meeting with St Matthew’s Beloved Community Team (10/18)
    j. Olympia Clergy Call w/Bishop Rickel (10/18)
    k. Bishop’s Executive Team meeting (10/19)
    l. Convention workshop with Budget and Finance (10/21)
    m. Convention workshop: What Up in Multi-cultural Ministries (10/21)
    n. Diocesan Convention (10/21-22)
    o. Visit to Resurrection and Holy Apostles, Bellevue (10/23)
    p. Bishop’s Executive Team meeting (10/26)
    q. Meeting with Rev. Davison and John Deng (10/26)
    r. Lunch with Dean Thomason (10/27)
    s. Black African American Circle (10/27)
    t. Governor Inslee’s Press Conference on protection of reproductive rights in Washington State (10/28)
    u. Presentation to Community of Deacon’s Gathering (10/29)
    v. Visit to St Paul, Bellingham (10/30)
    w. Appearance at Pizza and Pumpkins at Ascension, Seattle (10/30)
    x. Latino/Hispanic Circulo de Color (11/1)
    y. Bishop’s Executive Team meeting (11/2)
  5. Planning for next year
    a. Rev. Robinson would like to gather a planning team for next year comprised of representatives from all the circles
    b. This group will meet before next Full Circle
    c. Next Full Circle meeting with focus on planning for 2023
  6. Circle reports
    • AAPI Circle: Next meeting coming up this Saturday November 5th.
    • Black African American Circle: Met Thursday October 27th. Discussed the changes happening in the UBE chapter for this region. Welcomed two of our new African priests. Announced BAM Open House on Zoom this Saturday November 5th.
    • Latino/Hispanic Circulo: Met Tuesday November 1st. Discussed forming a Sacred Ground Circle for people of color to try out the curriculum and explore its usefulness in our diocese.
    • Allies Circle: Met Wednesday November 2nd. Continued to explore what it means to understand one’s own experience of racism and how to be an ally.

Next Meeting: Wednesday December 7, 2022

The meeting closed with prayer.

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