Bishop Phil’s Ordination & Consecration

It was a joy to gather with so many from the Circles and across the diocese for the ordination and consecration of The Rev. Dr. Phil N. LaBelle, 9th Bishop Diocesan of Olympia.

Here are some photos from the weekend’s festivities, courtesy of Adrienne, Mary Bol, Simon Achol, and Greg Hester.

Before the service

Consecration & Ordination Service

After the service

The recording of the service can be found here, along with links for the seating of the bishop and Bishop Phil in conversation with Presiding Bishop Curry.

Circles of Color was proudly represented throughout the search process by multiple Circles members and allies who faithfully served on our diocesan search and transition committees. In gratitude especially for:

  • Lillian Springer, Search Committee
  • Timi Vann, Search Committee
  • Roberta Newell, Transition Committee
  • Maria Weber, Transition Committee
  • Ruth Anne García, Transition Committee

We thank them for their service and dedication, as well as for carrying with them Ethnic Ministries’ history, needs, and gifts. From their participation and advocacy, Circles:

  • held a listening session with the search committee and developed its own list of characteristics desired in a bishop
  • put together an abridged Ethnic Ministries history and contributed to the diocesan profile
  • hosted the bishop candidates and their spouses for a Circles Meet & Greet (and fabulous lunch!) hosted by Holy Family of Jesus Cambodian Church in Tacoma
  • turned out at the electing convention
  • participated in the Consecration and Ordination events in various capacities including music (Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton opening drumming, St. John’s South Sudanese drums and choir), reading (Liberato Arellano, lector), serving (banner bearers, communion servers, torch bearers, ushers, etc!), and presenting (Timi Vann & Carla Robinson).

We are excited to continue building relationship with Bishop Phil and growing racial justice and healing efforts of the Circles and Multicultural Ministries in this new chapter. Coming out of our Circles Strategy Day, we are excited to regather our circles; invest in a Youth of Color Circle; worship, celebrate, and connect more in-person and hybridly via events, services, and retreats; and ultimately build and share the gifts of our diverse community with the rest of our diocese!

Interested in getting involved in our Circles of Color or our Allies Circle (soon to be regional circles!)? Get in touch!

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